개발2014. 9. 13. 14:54


  1. download html5shiv (zip file)
  2. Insert minified distribution shiv in <head> element (after or before your CSS):
<!--[if lt IE 9]>
<script src="dist/html5shiv.js"></script>


Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL Version 2 licenses


Full original, uncompressed source available here: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv

Source code adds new HTML5 elements (which is simple code), but also supports printing HTML5 elements and includes the default styles for HTML5 elements, like block on article and section.

Getting it to work in the browser was easy, @jon_neal and afarkas made IE actually print HTML5 elements - these guys are to take all the credit. Please take a moment to thank them!

To use this script, download the html5shiv and roll it in to your own code (ideally minified). It must be included before the <body> element (i.e. in the <head>) but doesn't matter if it appears before or after the CSS - but for the sake of performance, it would make better sense to include the CSS first then this script.

shiv or shim?

Common question: what's the difference between the html5shim and the html5shiv? Answer: nothing, one has an m and one has a v - that's it. 

* 출처 : https://code.google.com/p/html5shiv/

Posted by 마스타