서버관리2013. 10. 26. 13:50

라운드큐브 웹메일을

git 명령어로 설치하는 방법을 정리한다. 

ㅁ Roundcube 설치

1. 소스 가져오기

rc 라는 폴더에 git 로 소스 가져오기

# git clone git://github.com/roundcube/roundcubemail.git rc

2. 폴더 설정

다음 폴더들 웹서버가 쓰기 가능하도록 설정



ex) # chmod o+w logs temp

3. 아파치 서버에서 Roundcube 디렉토리에 AllowOverride 설정

<Directory Roundcube디렉토리>

AllowOverride FileInfo Options Indexes


4. 웹브라우저에서 installer url 호출

ㅁ 라운드큐브 설치를 위한 서버 설정

Roundcube 메일 설치를 위한 서버 환경 조건이다. 

설치 중간에 php 버전이 낮아서 설치가 안된다.. 서버를 바꿔야 하나.. ㅡㅡ

Roundcube 소스 아래의 installer/ 를 브라우저에서 호출해 보면, 아래와 같은 화면을 볼 수 있다.

Roundcube Webmail Installer

  1. Check environment
  2. Create config
  3. Test config

Checking PHP version

Version:  OK(PHP 5.2.17AnNyung detected)

Checking PHP extensions

The following modules/extensions are required to run Roundcube:

Session:  OK

The next couple of extensions are optional and recommended to get the best performance:

FileInfo:  NOT AVAILABLE(Could be loaded. Please add in php.ini; See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.fileinfo.php)
Libiconv:  OK
Multibyte:  OK
OpenSSL:  OK
Mcrypt:  OK
Intl:  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.intl.php)
Exif:  OK

Checking available databases

Check which of the supported extensions are installed. At least one of them is required.

MySQL:  NOT OK(PHP >= 5.3 required)
PostgreSQL:  OK
SQLite:  OK
SQLite (v2):  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo-sqlite.php)
SQL Server (SQLSRV):  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo-sqlsrv.php)
SQL Server (DBLIB):  NOT AVAILABLE(See http://www.php.net/manual/en/book.pdo-dblib.php)

Check for required 3rd party libs

This also checks if the include path is set correctly.

Net_IDNA2:  OK
Mail_mime:  OK

Checking php.ini/.htaccess settings

The following settings are required to run Roundcube:

file_uploads:  OK
session.auto_start:  OK
zend.ze1_compatibility_mode:  OK
mbstring.func_overload:  OK
suhosin.session.encrypt:  OK
magic_quotes_runtime:  OK
magic_quotes_sybase:  OK
date.timezone:  OK

The following settings are optional and recommended:

allow_url_fopen:  NOT OK(is '', could be '1')

Sorry but your webserver does not meet the requirements for Roundcube!
Please install the missing modules or fix the php.ini settings according to the above check results.
Hint: only checks showing NOT OK need to be fixed.

Posted by 마스타